Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Melancholy is
A tempest of destruction
Rolling through your mind


Ecstasy Begins
All my frustrations released
Storms retreat quickly

Friday, April 1, 2011

Crucifier of Dreams

Crucifier of Dreams

The tiniest of thoughts, creeping in, churning, whispering

GET OUT evil temptress, destroyer of happiness, crucifier of dreams

I must block you, slay you with logic, battle you with elastic grace

I am not yours to conquer; not yours to control or own

tap tap tap

You persist in your attempts to break through

tap tap tap

The edges of my resolve begin to fray

tap tap tap

I am stronger than this, wiser than this pariah

My will can only be bent, not broken

Any soul I possess is mine alone

Do not think that my blinking means you are winning

Do not think that my kindness is an avenue of explotation

The sword that I grasp is only cloaked, not missing

Stand back creeping thought, destroyer of happiness

My world is not meant for your destruction

Turn around crucifier of dreams, pariah of life

My world is about to envelope you, block you,

keep you at arms length from all others

You now see my power, my control

Your path of destruction will end

You will no longer tap on my soul

Your whisper will forever fall onto deaf ears